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plecs : Plecs for sale one 10 inch long 2 about 8 inch long and 3 about 6 inch long call me or text me on 07838472033 10 pound for the large ones 5 ...
marine equipment : V2skim 600 protien skimmer boxed complete with new un-used spare pump £70
fluval 305 canister filter boxed complete £50
interpet sta ...
DESPARATELY WANTED : I am looking for an AQUA ONE 620T AQUARIUM with light wood cabinet. To accomodate my marine fish as I am downsizing to keep the wife happy. ...
Nautilus Aquatics - Wakefield : Hi we are Nautilus Aquatics........we retail in tropical (freshwater and saltwater), cold water and pond fish. We have a wide range of dry g ...
WANTED - Discrossus Filamentosus : I'm looking for a pair, but ideally a group of these beautiful fish. I am willing to travel and happy to pay well for the right specimens. C ...
Female umbee : For sale 6\" female umbee. Located in Essex open to offer or trade for similar fish. 07568302451
Assorted Swordtails wanted : Hi am looking for a variety of swordtails 2 male and 4 female.
I would like them delivered if possible because I can't drive.
I am living ...
TROPICAL FISH FOR SALE : I have the following for sale, will not seperate.
4 x Silver Sharks
5 x Harlequin Raspboras
7 x Tiger Barbs
3 x Angelfish (2 gold, 1 m ...