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 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...14/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...14/03/25

1Large red monitopora coral : Large red monitpora coral for sale. Plating red monti with small blue spots. It is attached to a large piece of mature Marco rock so p ...12/01/25
23 Black Widow Frontosa £80 : 3 Black Widow Frontosa, all are 4 inches long. All must be collected together. £80 for all 3 fish.12/01/25
3Azul peacock bass 8 inch : SOLD** Lovely colours eats like a pig just thinning out stock perfect fish £6031/12/24
4Big L025 Scarlet Pleco : L025 Scarlet Cactus, 7 pointer 10 inches, fantastic example, good coloration on all fins. See pictures. £310 Collection from Exeter ...09/03/25
5Gold base albino hybrid ray male 8 inch : White diamond Albino pearl hybrid gold base male 8 inch lovely little fella Brought from top stingray £900 or swap for a nice Asia ...11/01/25
6Silver albino arowana 12 inch : SOLD ** Bought from topstingrays had him since he was about 5 inch,i have on order an asian arowana which cost me a fortune hence the sale o ...12/01/25
75ft 12mm thick glass aquarium : £1,500 new £290 .. empty.. free cabinet when purchasing. Matt 07732344007 carshalton sm527/12/24
85 ft aquarium : Empty 12 mm thick glass , cost over £1,500 new bargain £280 Matt 07732344007 £29027/12/24
95 ft all glass vivarium/ aquarium : Thick 12’mm glass large display Area & back areas for hiding out of light if needed, £290 Matt 077234400727/12/24
10Wanted : Hi looking for a stonefish Synanceia verrucosa to add to my scorpionfish aquarium information would be much appreciated11/01/25
11Oasis Fish auction February 2025 : Hi everyone,5 weeks time first fish auction of the year, everyone welcome,if any sellers want a lot for the auction contact me please.See ou ...11/01/25
12wanted plecos : Hi, im a pleco breeder looking for some new blood lines if you have any for sale please send me a email on jayf941@live.co.uk many t ...11/01/25
133 adult saulousi for rehome must be collected ASAP : 3 adult malawi saulousi cichlids free to good home must be collected from Chichester during weekend11/01/25
142x Red tail shark : Two red tail sharks for sale I've got a few in my 6ft tank and started to become aggressive with each other Collection only. 20 for both11/01/25
15Vieja salvini electric blue acara pair and polenii for sale or swaps : Vieja 8-9 inch Polenii 5-6 inch X2 electric blue acara male/female 6/4 inch Salvini 5 inch All for sale or swaps 0731021644410/01/25
16White cube tank : Nice little tank, needs a clean and some new hinges, includes socket board and sump - has been used for marine, but not pump. £60 Collec ...29/01/25
17Male BD stingray : For sale is this male BD who is around four years old. He has a peaceful nature and get on well with any other fish. He did briefly get pick ...10/01/25
18Young Midas cichlid 1 year old 6-7" growing quickly : Nice looking healthy fish, would be best in its own tank or with other aggressive cichlids. £35 collect from Whitehaven, Cumbria10/01/25
19Marine fish rehome. £5 : Three Spot Domino Damselfish for sale. £5. postcode B323QY17/01/25
20Premium Metallic Super Red Arowana sensible offers : Premium Metallic Super Red Available Size 13” Imported direct from Indonesia Clean scale / thin ring Scale/fin perfect Feed ...21/02/25
21Premium Violet Fusion Super Red Arowana sensible offers : Premium VF outstanding fish Box body shape, big tail , deep purple in scale when seen in person. Aggressive feeder Perfect eyes, ba ...24/01/25
22LOOKING FOR MINI MARBLE RAYS : Please whatsapp09/01/25
23Wolf fish £50 : Wolf fish about 1’ very calm for a wolf fish. Gets on well with my Arowana, bichir, silver dollars etc £50 or open to swaps WhatsAp ...01/02/25
246 Spotted Skiffa rare livebearer 2 male, 4 female Collection from Nottingham : I have 6 Spotted Skiffa Skiffia multipunctata 2 males,4 females looking for a new home. They are quite young about an inch in length, the ...09/01/25
25Fluval Sea 123 Litre Marine FULL SET UP Happy to break down : Willing to sell things separately or as a bundle. This website is only letting me upload one photo/video so please WhatsApp/text me for more ...09/01/25
26Marine Fish for sale : 6” Adult Emperor Angel - £140 6” Regal tang - £80 3” Flame Angel - £200 4” Clown Trigger £125 3” Desjardini Sailfin Tang - ...09/01/25
27Stunning Arapaima Gigas SOLD SOLD : Now sold out Arapaima Gigas Last one from my lot that was imported , not bringing in any more in the near future for the moment. Size ...20/01/25
28Emerald Pearl Crystal Parrot. Sold Sold Sold : Stunning Emerald Crystal Parrot Full pearls , great shape and intense colour, this one I was going to keep from my last batch of crystal ...19/01/25
29Golden Limbata Channa Snakehead £200 clears the tank full : I have around 15-17 of these available Size 10-11 cm Looking for £20 each Delivery available Planet Arowana 0754446776024/01/25
30African cichlids Sulpurhead : Mature male 5in long Great colour Ready to be collected Harrogate08/01/25
31Rays wanted : Cash waiting07/01/25
327inch red melon discus for sale… last one to go : £45 or swaps07/01/25
33Blue spotted synspilum : Around 6 inch and 8 inch stunning fish £15 each bargain07/01/25
34Elec blue acara : Elec blue acara about 3inch £1007/01/25
35Green severum : Green severum around 5 inch beautiful fish. £1523/12/24
362 x jack dempseys : I have 2 beautiful jack dempseys around 4 inch £10 for both23/12/24
37Azul peacock bass : I have 2 beautiful azul peacock bass about 16 inch. Very peaceful and eating everything you put in the tank. Bargain at £50 each07/01/25
38Ocean rock, lava rock, greenstone Liverpool L15 - OFFERS : ~30 kg lava rock ~20kg greenstone schist ~50kg ocean rock Offers welcome All available from L150HH07/01/25
3937l aquaone aquarium, supplies and tropical fish : Won't let me add pictures on this site. Contact me for pictures. Selling all for £100, can take offers. A 37Litre aquaone aquarium RRP £1 ...07/01/25
40FOR SALE - West Yorkshire : I have some beautiful and healthy fish available; Albino Oscar around 8” - £35 X2 Tiger Oscar around 6” - £25 each Marble Clariu ...07/01/25
41tropical fish : i have many tropical fish , i have to get rid of, species include discus , 1 electric blue acara , 4 angel fish, fully grown clown loach, 4 ...07/01/25
42Wanted: Krobia Xinguensis “Red Cheek” : Wanted Krobia Xinguensis pair or young to grow out Message 07561247820 .02/02/25
436x3x2 tank stand sump full set up good ray tank : I have a 6x3x2 full system for sale due to upgrading end of Feb. So tank needs to go for end of February £500 all in everything WhatsApp me ...06/01/25
443ft Long Tiger Moray Eel Gymnothorax polyuranodon for sale : Feeds well, beautiful condition. Takes prawns, earth worms and sometimes mussels. Price £22006/01/25
45Home for any monster fish : looking for monster fish!! I have a 15,000lt tropical pond & 2500lt tank and able to provide a home for any unwanted monster's. All ...30/01/25
46L128 & L046 : Here are some of my fish collection Looking for new waters 22 L128 Blue phantoms wild caught 2-3cm £40 each all feeding & looking fan ...06/01/25
47For sale Hants, south coast : Sulphur head, Livingston, five peacocks and a tiger oscar for sale. £25 each but happy to come to an agreement if all of them or most of th ...06/01/25
48Tropical Fish for sale - Tank breakdown : My son is selling his tropical fish and then tank & equipment to raise money for driving lessons. Here is a list of the fish that need t ...25/01/25
49Bristlenose plecos : Young bristlenose plecos available conisbrough Doncaster 2pounds each06/01/25
50Wanted Pure Henlei Stingrays : Im after some pure Henlei Stingrays prefer adult pure bred but will consider pups , let me know what you have.......stingraymad@virginmedia. ...13/02/25
51Large Green Sinularia Soft Finger Leather Coral for Marine Aquarium : 3 x Large coral specimens - attached to live rock. 2 x each at a cost of £60 each. 1 x £75. Each attached to live rock which i ...06/01/25
52Marine fish / Large Red Collector Urchin : This is the last large 2 inch diameter Sri-lanka red collector urchin , great for unwanted algae in any marine tank £39.99 collection from ...04/01/25
53Marine fish / Large Purple Tang : This is a large mature Purple Tang stunning fish , feeding on all foods £149.99 collection from Southampton please04/01/25
54Marine fish / Hammer Corals : Still some nice size Hammer Corals left at least 3 -4 branches £59.99 each collection from Southampton please04/01/25
55Full marine tank set up for sale 175l cube with accessories : TMC 175L cube marine tank with sumpand black gloss cabinet, RRP £750 AI grow light RRP £240, AI glow light £300, duo maxspect gyres with ...04/01/25
56Sting Ray : Big spotted thousand island female sting ray for sale. 10-12 inches and from top sting ray.. uk bred Please WhatsApp 07841098432 for pi ...04/01/25
57Zebra pleco : I have an adult male for sale for £150. The reason I sell is I have 2 dominant males. Collection only from Edmonton Green. N903/01/25
58L236 Super Whites : We have some stunning super white plecos available 3-5cm £60-80 Will do deals on 4 +03/01/25
59L114 Cactus Pleco : L114 Cactus pleco approx size 10cm £6003/01/25
60MBU : MBU Puffer available 12cm £22003/01/25
61Flash Plecos : Limited number of flash Pleco’s available £45 a piece These are between 7-8cm03/01/25
62RED TERROR MALE : Male red terror for sale 8 to 10 inches. Real bruiser. £35 ono. Must go to a good home with a large tank. Tank closing down which will al ...03/01/25
63zaire blue frontosa : wanted zaire blue frontosa anywhere around bristol to london area adults only03/01/25
64RED TERROR MALE : Male red terror for sale 8 to 10 inches. Real bruiser. £35 ono. Must go to a good home with a large tank. Tank closing down which will al ...03/01/25
65Severum red shoulders cichlids : Beautiful fish, not aggressive, They have 4-5cm. They grow up to 20cm. People that are interested please direct message me. PICK UP ONLY Cov ...03/01/25
66Axolotl eggs Leeds 14 : Hets for Golden Albino Lucistic Dirty Lucistic Wild Contact me for details 07872417861 Photos of parents can be seen.03/01/25
67Cichlids and Catfish : Leeds 14 open to trades 07872 417861 Royal acara x2 Snakehead Asiatica red and blue Wolf fish Fire mouth x2 Flower horn Gold sev Vult ...03/01/25
68Cichlids and catfish Leeds 14 : Leeds 14 open to trades 07872 417861 Royal acara x2 Snakehead Asiatica red and blue Wolf fish Fire mouth x2 Flower horn Gold sev Vult ...03/01/25
698 large clown loach Leeds 14 : Size 4” to 7” Contact for details 8 large clowns between 4-7” Collection leeds14 Call for details 07872 41786119/12/24
70Clown loach ls14 : 8 large clowns between 4-7” Collection leeds14 Call for details 07872 41786119/12/24

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