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 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...14/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...14/03/25

1Wanted Hoplias curupira : Looking for a black wolf fish 7 inch or smaller trade or cash message me26/01/25
2Beautiful Jade Wrasse for sale. : Beautiful Jade Wrasse - £57.00 Beautiful Jade Wrasse in great condition. Eats worms in your tank as well as food - mainly bristle worms b ...08/03/25
3Tomoni Bristletooth Tang for sale. : Tomoni Bristletooth Tang £40.00 A lovely Tomoni Bristletooth Tang with no bad habits. Gets on with everyone else. Bought as a juvenile fr ...08/03/25
4Dwarf Angel Fish for sale. : Dwarf Angel Fish - £41.00 A Dwarf Angel Fish with all the characteristics of these, so can be aggressive to other fish. Bought as a juven ...08/03/25
5Wanted LED lighting for a 7ft tank : I have a 7ft 1000 litre tank and could do with better lighting for it, as anyone got anything at a decent price for sale. Please message26/01/25
6L095 Orange Cheek PineCone Pleco PRICED TO SELL : 25-30cm26/01/25
7L183 Starlights AVAILABLE : L183 Starlights available 8cm Males available £4026/01/25
8Green Phantom L200 : 5-6 inch stunning standard of green phantom picture perfect £70 Delivery available26/01/25
9WAB PAIRS : MASSIVE WAB PAIRS 5 INCH £80 a pair £30 a male11/01/25
10Corals for sale - Mushrooms, zoas and montipora : Mushrooms, Zoanthids and Montipora. Bright green ricordia mushrooms - £10 Bright orange ricordia mushrooms - £10 Orange oxide zoas - ...26/01/25
11Full body colour chilli red oscar reduced £50 sold sold : 9 inch Oscar for sale got from planet Arowana very nice fish full body colour £80 paid £120 for it collection only Abergele ll22 reduced ...20/02/25
122x Uaru Cichlids : I've got 2 uaru cichlids, one at 5-6" another at 4". Both always together might be a pair. Bought together from 2". For sale £8025/01/25
13Monster clown loaches wanted : Looking to add more to my group dont mind travelling message me with what you have must be 9 inches minimum27/02/25
142x Uaru Cichlids : I've got 2 uaru cichlids, both always together might be a pair. one at 5-6" another at 4". Bought together from 2". For sale £8025/01/25
15Red Texas cichlid for sale £175 6 inch 07399952611 : 6 x key hole chiclids - 2/3 inches. Breeding group £60 10 x Gold saum between 2-4 inches - £10 each 1 x T bar - 3 inches . £10 ...25/01/25
16fishtank : ggood25/01/25
17Free Pond fish : We are removing the fish pond in our garden. We have lots of pond gold fish ranging in size. You will need to bring a net to fish them out. ...29/01/25
18Undulatus Trigger Fish : Around 5 inch £7013/01/25
19Wanted Female adult Bristlenose plec/catfish : Looking for female adult bristle nose Brown, Red or Lemon to go with my group. Thanks Tom- 0770335863325/01/25
20Fish for sale : 2 x chocolate ciclids approx 5 inch pair 1x black ghost knife fish approx 5 inch 4x spotted silver dollars 1x uaru approx 3 inch ...25/01/25
21LIONFISH YOUNG ADULT : Around 10 inch £7514/01/25
2212INCH RED OSCAR FOR SALE : Massive beautiful 12” Red Oscar for sale £50ono Collection from Walthamstow E17 0740719019824/01/25
23Brochis Pantanalensis C005 - F1, UK bred from wilds corydoras : Brochis Pantanalensis C005 - F1, UK bred from wilds 4.5-5cm sexable 7 fish for £150 12 fish for £250 18 fish for £350 50 fish for ...24/01/25
24Fish to sell : X1 10-12 inch Red Oscar £40 X1 12 inch common pleco £30 X1 trimac £50 6-7 inch X1 medium size tiger Oscar £20 X8 bubblebee and A ...24/01/25
25Filament bards : 5 filament barbs Nice size eating plants reason for sale Collect prestatyn £35 for the group 0754866231424/01/25
26CANISTER FILTERS : Fluval 307 external filter with all pipework and media...£40 All Pond Solutions 1400 canister filter with all pipework and media, comes wi ...24/01/25
27L095 Orange Cheek Pinecone Pleco PRICED TO SELL : 25-30cm Stunning fish, limited availability. `. £30011/01/25
28Fancy Goldfish, oranda,Ranchu and Ryukin : Selling my fancy goldfish as have gone to tropical. I have around 20 available. Orandas, ranchus and ryukins Size varies from 3in ...23/01/25
29Wanted ai hydra lighting : Please get in touch if you have any ai hydra lights available , I need a few and different sizes 26hd,32hd,52hd,64hd23/01/25
30Need larger Jack dempsy, Convict, severum, jewel cihclids 6ft + : Hi I'm looking for cichlids to fill my aquarium and was hoping to start with larger fish.23/01/25
31Seahorses Hippocampus Erectus Breeding Pair : I have a pair of seahorses for sale had a batch of young off of them twice before. Drop me a whats app for photos £350 ono23/01/25
32MONSTER FISH WANTED : I’m looking for monster fish to add to a number of my tanks @fishguyaqutics on insta/tiktok to see tanks. Contact me if you have anything ...23/01/25
33Corydoras wanted : I am looking for any Corydoras in Leicester/Loughborough area 0789055930423/01/25
34Wanted: Heros Liberifer : Wanted: Heros Liberifer Rare mouthbrooding severum if you have any for sale please contact 0756124782023/01/25
35 Wanted Blue Base Arowana : Any blue base arowana's for sale please contact 0785024349422/01/25
361.4 Tonne of marine live rock. No coraline algae. : Thriving. Full of life. Some pieces are over twenty years old. Big and small pieces. No pests or astrina or aptasia. Just shrimp, tiny in ...22/01/25
37Peacock bass : 3 peacock bass selling all together gorgeous coloration 4 to 5 inch22/01/25
38WANTED Staeck Endler breeding pairs or trios : Hi looking for some Staeck Endlers to add to my tanks, pairs or trios must be able to post as I am elderly disabled and no transport availab ...22/01/25
39Wanted ai hydra lighting : Please get in touch if you have any ai hydra LEDs for sale , I need a few and various sizes 64hd,52hd,32hd,26hd22/01/25
40Pleco Breeding Equipment/Decorations : Full set of Terra-Natur.eu Terracotta Pleco Breeding Caves from Germany. Closed down my set-up and looking to sell off equipment. Happy ...22/01/25
41Juwel bow fronted aquarium with cabinet and lid : Collection Wallasey. Juwel bow fronted aquarium. Very large. Approx 110cm L x 55cm H x 44cm D Plus cabinet which needs a refurb and ...22/01/25
42Various Cichlids FOR SALE MUST GO : Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac ...22/01/25
43VARIOUS FISH FOR SALE : Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac ...22/01/25
44Wanted bristlenose : Looking for reasonable sized bristlenose plecs, not fry! Also interested in Malawi, probably no replies, seems fishkeeping is not a thing in ...22/01/25
45Juwel Rio 350L LED Aquarium & Cabinet – White | Excellent Condition : Key Features: • Capacity: 350 liters • Lighting: Energy-efficient LED lighting system for vibrant colors and healthy aquatic life ...22/01/25
465ft tank & stand : Aqua 300 litre tank & stand no marks or leaks 5ft in length 15 width 24 inch height of the tank total height 147 inch It’s the oak c ...22/01/25
47Pure Strain Guppies : I am a hobby breeder with over 25 different pure strains of guppy. Too many strains to list. Please find us on Facebook @Sarah's Pure Stra ...21/01/25
48Aquarium Bristlenose Catfish Plecos & Red Cherry Shrimp from £1.00 : I have a full tank of Bristlenose Catfish Plecos which are an excellent algae grazer that help keep the tank clean. They vary between 2-4c ...21/01/25
49Molly babies : Hi. I have 15 molly babies. All for £10.21/01/25
50Male mini marble motoro Mature : For sale 350 message for details 0770640886521/01/25
51Free Rainbow Shark : Rainbow Shark in BR1 5SF - Free to a good home. It's just been to territorial and aggressive in my smallish community tank. It's healthy and ...21/01/25
52Young female endler guppies-some pregnant : I have a lot 50+ of young female endlers. I had a few females who bred too readily and I ended up with too many for my tank to stay health ...21/01/25
53sticklebacks : looking for some sticklebacks for a wildlife pond please21/01/25
54LARGE INDOOR TROPICAL POND. : Hi indoor tropical predator pond based in Blackpool offering a re homeing service for large fish or aggressive fish in your tanks. Also work ...20/01/25
55Snow flake Moray Eel : We have a stunning 24” chunky snowflake moray eel that needs a good home. George London Aquariums 0776525414104/03/25
56Black Widow Cichlid : Hi, I have for sell, 1x male black widow cichlid £40. Very calm temperament. Estimated 4-5inch. Happy to swap for another frontosa fem ...27/01/25
57Juwel Vision 180 92cm wide, Bow fronted complete freshwater setup. £300 : Just add water! Includes stand/cupboard, established filter sponge media, pump, lighting, heating, fish, live plants, bogwood and ornaments ...20/01/25
58guppies : healthy guppie babies to adults for free just have to pick them up. located in corsley, text 07940865675. cheers, Callum20/01/25
59CLOSING DOWN TANK : House move falses sale of my beloved fish and tank 5 uaru 5 geo's 4 oscar 5 severum I pike cichlid My pride and joy have to be moved ...20/01/25
60Fish : Large Midas male looking for swaps pick up Standish20/01/25
61Alligator snapping turtle : Ali snapper needing new waters 6/7 years old , 13 inch shell possibly bigger but cannot measure , much bigger head to tail tho first person ...21/01/25
627ft x 2ft x 2ft fish tank every thing included : Please message me welcome to view £125020/01/25
63Endler males and females for free : Our endlers are thriving in our plated aquarium, which means that their population is growing and we would like to give some away for free. ...19/01/25
64Jewel Rio 240L 4ft Fish Tank – Complete Setup : Selling my Jewel Rio 240L 4ft aquarium, a fantastic tank that’s served me well and is in great condition. What’s included: • 2 l ...22/01/25
65Large bog wood - roughly 5 feet long. : As shown in the pictures. Cash and collection only from London E1. £80.15/02/25
66F1 Betta ideii Wild type betta : I have several F1 betta ideii available. not often available in the retail. 3 broods of various sizes. Largest fish are colouring up and sex ...19/01/25
67Clown Trigger and Regal Tang for sale : 6” Yellow belly regal tang - £70 4” Clown Trigger £125 Collection four marks Hampshire19/01/25
6840+ adult malawi mbuna cichlids 2-6inch 2 giant hap/peacocks : 40 plus fish. Real photos. Lots of variety and many stunners. Price is start at 10 pounds for one unless you buy group. Range of hea ...19/01/25
69Wanted- cuban gar : Hello, keeping an eye out for a cuban gar for sale, let me know if you have any please. Preferably around 12 to 15 inch. Thank you01/02/25
70Monster catfish : I have a marble catfish around 30/35cm needing rehoming , free to a good home26/01/25

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