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  Job lot of MALAWI CICHLIDS - really cheap

Description: As above, I have a vast amount of malawis - mbunas, haps & peacoks.

I have got about 1000. About 35 different species/strains. They are all at least 2 inches+, some quite a bit bigger. Stocks change regularly, so nice good selection.

Beautiful colours - bit of everything, they are all healthy, eating well, growing fast. Feeding on frozen malawi mix + malawi flake,

Priced at:
£3.50 each
10 for £30 (£3.00 each)
60 for £165 (£2.75 each)
150 or more - please contact me.

This is proper cheap for this quality malawi. Shop prices for these would vary from around £7.50 each for some, upto around £15 each and more, so typically you'd pay around £200 - £250 for 20 of these at shop prices. Definately worth coming to see me!

To see videos and pics of some of my fish, please join my facebook page, by searching for Manchester Fish

Best contact is by text:
07547 006 532.

Ty for looking

Contact Information
Advertiser: mr moss
Telephone: 07547006532
Town: manchester
County: Greater Manchester

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/06/14 Views: 3679]

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