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Description: EcoBio-Rock (for mid-size aquariums) is a porous volcanic rock and cement block containing nutrients and beneficial bacteria that regularly multiply to create a healthy ecosystem.

* Minimizes aquarium maintenance by significantly reducing the need to change water and vacuum gravel.
* Quickly establishes nitrifying bacteria in new aquariums
* Speeds up denitrification cycle
* Revitalizes, and clarifies water by naturally maintaining an eco-friendly environment.
* Easy-to-use --- simply rinse with chlorine-free water and place in the fish tank.
* Can be used in both fresh water and salt water.
* No need to add liquid or powder bacteria.
* Safe for all fish and reptiles.
* Removes odors.
* Attractive decoration for your aquascape.
* Takes approximately 2 - 6 weeks to see results.
* Lasts for years --- suggested replacement of approximately 1.5 - 2 years. May last longer.

Bulk order available.

Contact Information
Advertiser: gainbybargain
Telephone: 07583059289
County: London
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/10/12 Views: 3630]

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