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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Huge selection of fish related books

Description: After selling all my tanks etc i have left over a huge selection of fish keeping related books for sale.
I tried where possible to get a book on most of the species I kept over the years so some are specific to a certain species and some are general fishkeeping books.
All are in excellent condition and very handy to have if your interested in a certain species or even keep the species.
I no longer have any need for them so letting them go.
Most are tropical related but there are some marine books also as this was my last venture in the hobby.
I will sell separately or as a job lot.
Located in Leicestershire and would prefer collection due to weight.
Can't upload pics with my phone for some reason!!! So here are the books I have

-Aqualog south American cichlids 3
-Aqualog majestic discus
-Aqualog all corydoras
-Aqualog all c numbers
-Aqualog freshwater stingrays from s.America
-Aqualog discus the champions
-Aqualog south American cichlids discus/scalare
-identifying coridoradinae catfish
-Dr axelrods atlas of freshwater fishes 11
-Coloured atlas of miniature catfish. Corydoras, brochures, aspidoras
-Cichlids from central America
-Guide to owning central American cichlids
-Tropical fishkeeping
-Guide to central American cichlids
-Angelfish understanding and keeping
-Guide to owning angelfish
-Corydoras catfish handbook
-Corydoras catfish complete guide
-Focus on freshwater aquarium fish
-The complete aquarium
-Tropical fish keeping
-Popular freshwater tropical fish
-Tetras and other characins
-Cardinal tetras
-Freshwater stingrays aquaguide
-Freshwater stingrays owners manual
-Catfish aquaguide
-Aquarium success catfish
-Marine fishes pocket expert
-Your first marine aquarium
-Q&A the marine aquarium
-Manual of marine invertebrates

Any interest then please call or text 07971956960

List updated as a few have now sold.

Contact Information
Advertiser: matthew lee
Telephone: 07971956960
Town: broughton astley
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/11/15 Views: 2141]

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