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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aqua one aquience silver 1200 bow fronted aquarium

Description: This stylish silver bow front aquarium is complemented by an elegant matching cabinet. This will look amazing in your home and has lots of extra space for fish due to the design. There is a powerful external filter which provides great water quality and has extra clear glass for undisturbed viewing. The tank is top of the range and in very good condition. It is 1170mm long 575mm deep and 420 wide and comes complete with lights. The aquarium and stand together are 1400mm high 445mm wide and 1200mm long.
The tank external filter is a Aqua one CF1200 and is complete with media. There is also an Aqua one 200W tank heater which means the tank can be used for tropical fish if required or cold water. There is a Jewel Automatic feeder and two air pumps Tetra whisper 650 plus Interpet Aqua air AP1. There is a MAG float glass cleaner and a large scraper/gravel scoop/glass cleaner.
Everything you need to set up your tank at home is included (apart from buying new gravel and some fish!) even fish food.
You can find out more about the tank at
Please contact me if you have any questions at all.
We can arrange to deliver the tank within a radius of 30 miles from Canterbury for fuel costs or the tank can be collected. The tank and all equipment would cost over £800 to buy now and is barely three years old.
£350 or near offer

phone 01227738920 or email

Contact Information
Advertiser: Brian GOWER
Telephone: 01227 738920
Town: Canterbury
County: Kent

Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/08/12 Views: 2121]

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