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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Breaking down my tank COLLECTION ONLY

Description: Due to health problems having to close my tank down lots of equipment for sale but please note collection only.

4ft x 18" x 2ft tank cabinet solid wood 2ft x 14" x 14" 3 compartment sump £200
All pond light unit T5's this is the 4 bulb unit with some spare bulbs not sure how old the bulbs are looking for £100
skimmer TMC 400 not original pump running with a better one will get model once I get into sump later or tomorrow
Fluval 404 canister filter pump £30
sump light £15
Hagen glow T5 54 watt twin lighting Starter controller only used for 3 days £30
reefloat Auto top up £25 SOLD
PhosBan Phospate reactor 150 ehiem pump could do with the tubing being replaced as its a bit yucky as shown in the pictures £35 SOLD
super aquatic powerhead up to 5000 lph £10 SOLD
hydor Korila 2800 £25
ehiem compact 2000 return pump £30
110 lt slim jim water butt with tap and stand £15 SOLD
25 lt water containers £4 each
Power Gravel cleaner £20
Mag cleaner large , long stainless steel tweezers , long handled scraper large grippers £20.00 for all 4
Salifert Natural Iodine nearly half full £5
Reef advantage Calcium 250Gram only used 2 spoons £5
Reef Builder Carbonate 250 Gram dropped it so instead of full now half full £4
Reef builder Carbonate smaller tub unopened £3.00
Reef Buffer ph to 8.3 250 gram nearly full £5
Reef advantage Magnesium 600 gram 1 spoon used £8
Tropic marin re-mineral 250 gram unopened £5
Half a bottle special blend £2
Microbe - lift ph buffer 250 gram half full £4
Red Sea Aiptasia-x bought from fellow reefer but never needed it full bottle £5
hagen master test kits £20
Sera Aqua test kit plus large box of extras and some red sea test kits £30

Contact Information
Advertiser: Joan
Telephone: 07818840416
Town: Halesowen
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/06/12 Views: 1862]

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