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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  9ft aquarium

Description: I have a 9ft by 2ft by 2ft aquarium complete with cabinet and 4ft sump. This aquarium comes complete with 2x pumps 2x fluval electronic LCD heaters 3x large filter sponges, sump balls, 4x 4ft t5 lights, slates and pots also around 20 Malawi cichlids. one of the 4ft lights needs a new brackets these are a matter of pence. This tank has been my pride and joy for 2 year but I have finally given into the demands of my wife for space and have agreed to sell it. It will require around 6 men to move the tank ( I would leave it to the professionals if it was me) there are 3 mating pairs of kingsizei cichlids in the tank also the dolphins mate regularly but so far she has never held the egg to hatching stage there is also 2x plecos one is around 6-7inches the other is around 2 inches. there is more kingsizie than I can count I will update the you tube video as soon as I can any questions please feel free to ask. I am looking for £2000 for the whole lot the price does not include delivery and will need to be payed upfront before removal

Contact Information
Advertiser: james
Telephone: 01797230520
Town: peasmarsh
County: Sussex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:14/02/12 Views: 2059]

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