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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Wood Wall Aquarium 208cm Length Brand New & Boxed

Description: This wall mounted aquariums are ultra slim, self contained fish tanks that are suspended on your wall like beautifully framed artwork. Every unit comes complete with built in filtration and a T8 lighting system.

This is the most aesthetically pleasing, technologically advanced, and simple to maintain wall mounted aquarium available in the market. Everything you need to set up and maintain a healthy aquarium with no assembly required. We recommend that these types of tanks are used for tropical fish and ideally for best results use a large number of small fish as they will swim in shoals to create extremely stunning visual displays.

Keeping your tank clean is a very easy process. Two powerful 600 litre per hour filters will do most of the work for you all you will need to do is replace 10% of the water in the tank once a month using the siphon, and clean the sponge from the filter which should take no longer than 15 minutes.

The tank is designed to be supported on your wall by heavy duty brackets (included) that are completely covered by the wall aquarium and are able to easily fully support the fish tanks weight.

For the purposes of keeping certain tropical fish a heater can be installed into the main junction box on the tank so you can still use the one plug to run the whole system.


Two built in filtration systems that are hidden in the sides of the tank
Two custom made steel mounting bracket that allows for safe and easy hanging
onto the wall.
Complete with all cleaning accessories including:
Filter foams and Bio Balls
Light Vivid Marine Background (can be taken of the back of the tank to change
for one of your own choice)
Magnet cleaner
Sponge cleaning tool
Fish food
All you need to do is buy the fish


Size: 208(L) x 50(H) x 15(D)cm Tank body
2 X 600 L/H Powerheads
2 X 20w T8 Lighting system (includes bulb)
Volume: 130 Litres
Front panel: 12mm Toughened safety glass
Max Power: 12w

Contact Information
Advertiser: charles edmonds
Telephone: 07562425299
Town: glasgow
County: Lanarkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/08/10 Views: 2623]

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