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  FREE F2 Firemouths, Rio Subin, 3-5 inches long. Cardiff.

Description: ** If you can demonstrate that you have a decent size tank for the fish, they are free. **

Lovely looking Firemouths, F2 (son of son of wild-caught), from Rio Subin.

Photos here:

There are _possibly_ seven of them, but because of how I have my tank set up, its hard to tell. For sure I saw 5 altogether at one time when I was taking the photos.

Pick up from Cardiff, and it will be difficult getting them out of the tank, so allow at least an hour.

I have glued a 3D background about 3" off the back of the tank and drilled big holes in it so fish can shelter behind there. Lots of stones in the front with plants. So it will be a task to catch them. I suggest local person only, as I wouldnt want someone turning up, and then realising they needed a fishing rod and half a day to catch them..

Anyway, they are superb fish, chunky and colourful. Overfed and massively over filtered tank (400 litres with 2x FX6's).

Contact Information
Advertiser: Giles Oatley
Telephone: 07908970672
Town: Cardiff
County: Glamorgan

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/08/15 Views: 1341]

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