As we go in expeditions collecting tropical fish all arround Venezuela we sometimes find a river that has crystal clear waters. Most of the rivers in which tropical aquarium fish are collected are full of silt or very black tannic water in which filming fish is impossible. In very rare occasions we discover a small branch of a river or creek in which the water is clear enough for underwater videoing.
So, we found a branch of the Morichal Largo River which is in the North eastern part of Venezuela which was clear and as we started filming we noticed that some of the fish we where looking at where nothing we had seen before. Imagine swimming with the wild caught aquarium fish that you probably have owned and some that you have never seen before! This DVD will help you know what a real aquatic habitat looks like so you can get an idea of how to recreate it in an aquarium. The DVD has short narrations explaining and giving details on water temp., PH, behavior, etc.
The DVD features videos of these fish in their natural habitats:
RIVER (Gives an overview of location and water qualities): 7:55 min.
Apistogramma Guttata/ parenting fry in aquarium (Dwarf cichlid) 5:38 min.
Cichlasoma bimaculatum/ parenting fry in the river(Two–Spot cichlid) 4:55 min.
Copella sp. 2:03 min
Crenicichla sp./ parenting fry in the river (Pike cichlid) 7:39 min.
Heros severus (Severum) 1:07 min.
Hoplias malabaricus (Tiger fish) 1:34 min.
Hyphessobrycon sp. (Blood red tetra) 1:50 min.
Mesonauta insignis/ parenting fry in the river (Flag Cichlid) 8:18 min.
Micropoecilia sp. (Guppy, Endler) 3:16 min.
Nannostomus sp. (Pencilfish) 2:52 min.
Rineloricaria sp. (Pleco) 3:01 min.
Satanoperca mapiritensis (Geophagus, Eartheater) 11:37 min.
Totaling more than 61:45 minutes of underwater video and pictures.
The DVD also features pictures and some videos of other fish and reptiles caught in the same river:
Rivulus sp. ( Killifish probably deltafilus )
False aquatic coral snake
Nannacara sp. ( Dwarf cichlid )
Terecay turtle
Gymnotus sp.
Price: $ 49.99
The price is for 1 new original recorded DVD.
For payment info and shipping costs please write to me at info@mikofish.com
Ivan Dalmar Mikolji Corrales
Contact Information Advertiser: Ivan Dalmar Mikolji Telephone: 00584123884952
Town: Valencia
County: Venezuela
Web Link: http://www.mikofish.com
Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/12/03 Views: 4533]
